
Showing posts from 2016

January 2016 Recap

I watched 567 films in 2015. I still look at that number and feel surprised-it doesn't really seem possible, but, it seems it is. During the last few months of rocketing towards that number, I vowed that 2016 would be different. I would focus on other things, maybe catch up on all the TV shows I neglected all year. Well, in January 2015 I watched 58 films. This January I watched 53. Baby steps?

#52FilmsByWomen: January

As mentioned in my 2015 recap, I've joined the #52FilmsByWomen challenge, meaning I'm watching 1 female-directed film per week for the entire year, and I'm also doing monthly recaps of the films I watch. This is my first one, and I have a pretty diverse bunch of films to discuss! Find out what I watched after the cut.

2015 Recap

2015 has been a crazy year. 2013 was the first year in which I kept a log of all of the new-to-me films I watched, and that year I logged 50. In 2014, I logged 211. This year, my count was 519. I learned so much about film this year-I watched my first Tarantino, first Bergman, first Kubrick, first James Bond. Throughout 2014, as I started immersing myself in film forums and blogs and websites, I felt like I knew so little-I had an enormous mental list I "lovingly" referred to as "films everyone has seen except me". Now, as we head into 2016, that feeling is finally gone. I still haven't seen everything, of course, but I've reached a place where I feel like I fit into this crazy world of cinema enthusiasts, and maybe I even have my own things to contribute. So I would say it has been a pretty good year. Read on to see my year-long journey in more detail!